This last week has proven itself to be full of positives and the opposite. The rain stopped, finally, Wednesday. And, I was finally able to get my bike out for a long ride. My brother came out for the weekend and we rode everyday together except Sunday so we could spend his last day with Jared before he left.
Joe trying to convince Jared that the powdered water is over by the milk... |
I ended up doing 40 miles after he left as the chocolate bar I found hiding in the jar put me in the deficit for the week. I hate finding those things...:-(
Joe and I managed to pull some honey from the hive and all seemed fine with the bees except the dearth was slowing them down a little so I removed the top super.
Today, before mowing the yard,I noticed no movement near the hive. I checked only to find no bees anywhere near the hive. I opened it up and found hardly anything...not even a dead one anywhere and only a few bees scrounging for leftover honey. I just seem to be having the worst trouble with bees (damn females) and won't peruse the possibility of another nuc. They are just too expensive to continue with no product to show for it. I had almost forty lbs of it before the heat and it is almost all gone.
Only a few bees hanging around looking for the rest of the honey:-( |
The good news is that I put in a pretty good week riding and running. 180+ miles on the bike and just under 20 running for a 5 day period. I'm looking forward to the midnight run in Dunedin, tonight. Hopefully it will be all good news. I am hoping to run and finish and make the hour drive home tired. I haven't been timing myself at all when I run and feel all the better for it. So, tonight, it's up in the air on how my time will be as I have no idea. Wish me luck:-)
Hope you did well at Duneden. That was a great event.