This week was a busy one as I knew it would be; riding and running and parenting and dog fun all rolled into one week. The bad part was the rain. It never seemed to let up! Almost every ride I went on the rain would soak me. It was kind of miserable, but I knew if I didn't work out my mind would go crazy. So...that's what I did. The last few weeks I've averaged about 300 miles on the bike and some good running miles. And, this was no different. 264 miles and 15 running. There really wasn't anything of note except the flat tires I received as I rolled 3500 miles on my rear tire. with the tire:-)
Noki was a snuggling fool this week and it was fun until I realized on one occasion he had rolled in some poo...I'll let your mind explore what was said in my head. Jared thought it was immensely funny!
Full of Poo!!! |
Jared is a funny kid. He even started a Facebook page with my help, of course, for security issues. He has amassed a few friends and has posted some good pictures of his creations. Now to just get him on his bike more...
Yesterday (Saturday) was awesome! I had made arrangements to go out to Largo and ride with Kent, again. We used to ride a lot together, but such is life...Anyway, this was going to be fun! I arrived at the house early so we could make our way down to the St. Pete ride on time. Off we went, making the first 10 miles along the trail in 20 minutes! While we waited for other riders, we deduced I would need more grease or new bearings in my front wheel with all the squeaking it was doing...darn it. I guess the rain takes its toll.
Getting Those RAAM Legs Working Again |
The meeting group showed and we rolled down 1st Ave to the ride. Large group...I had forgotten how large the Saturday rides were out of the park. We had discussed going with the 24+ group if there was one. They called one out and then immediately called out the 20+. Off we went all realizing there were two groups and at some point we would have to split up. As we made the turn to the beach, Kent waved me up and we discussed breaking off if nobody wanted to go more than the 22 we were going. As we made our way past the first toll booth, the faster riders started to lay it down. Kent and I rolled right onto the front and we pulled at about thirty to the stop light to turn left. Kent asked if the speed was okay and the guy said it felt good. Off we went with a group of about 5 df riders. I took the first pull and then Kent took one. The speed seemed fine until my next pull and after about a minute, The Df biker behind me asked if I could slow down. I apologized and slowed to 26. He then said to slow more as we dropped everyone...oops. I looked back only to see Kent behind him. It's funny how we are not in the "everybody" equation. As we caught and pulled this same guy to the last light before Kent asked if the speed was good, He mentioned "no one" catching him to his DF buddies. Funny how recumbent riders are not included...I actually DO think it's funny now. It used to bother me. Or, maybe, it's a person's name? Won't the real Nobody please stand up?
Anyway...I slowed to 24 and we rotated to the flag pole. "Nobody" didn't catch us and Kent and I were looking for miles so we took a lap in the park while the other guy waited at the pole. A ranger was nice enough to let me in the station for some cold water which was nice!
On our way back, Kent and I rotated pulls and chatted it up. We rolled into St. Pete with enough time to chat it up with riders at the coffee shop. Good Times! Then, back we went. We stopped at the house and agreed to meet Judy and her sister Pat for breakfast in Clearwater. They asked if they could order for us. We said sure. It was funny to pull up at the same time and having Kent ask if we could order for them:-)
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Judy is loving the bike Kent built up for her for her birthday!!! |
After breakfast, we rolled back to the house and rode with Judy on her bike for about 7 or so miles. This gave Kent and I about 101 miles for the day. After a nice shower and some fruit. Noki and I were off back home. Noki had been visiting his girlfriend Mya and they had a great time. When it came time to leave, Mya wasn't going to let Noki leave on his own and Kent had to hold her while we left (I think they had it all planned out secretly to elope to Vegas together) and Noki gave a harrumph in the truck and wouldn't look at me on the way home. As we got home, he quickly jumped in his bed and wouldn't snuggle. Why does it seem funny when dogs are heart broken, but not when we are?:-)
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The Love Birds |
So, it was a good week and I am looking forward to picking Jared up today and riding in the Polk County Time Trial series, Monday. Be looking for a write up sometime during the week. One of the top Time Trial riders in the state will be there.
Good dog buddies!