Saturday, October 6, 2012

September Miles

So many things are going on this month so the time to write about last month's miles has been low. For some strange reason, with all the weather (5.5 inches of rain in Lakeland for September according to the ledger) and the time off the bike, I still managed 1112 miles. This seems funny to me and I had to double check (twice) to make sure the math was correct. It's so cool that I am keeping up with my goal and am now at 32 centuries for the year.  Yes!!!
However, once this month started, the time on the bike has been off.  It has rained almost every day and the last week has brought thunderstorms in in the early afternoon.  Normally this wouldn't stop me, but with money tight, the thoughts of having to replace bearings and a chain or worse kind of puts a kink in my step.  Although the kink doesn't seem to show when I am out running in it.  I managed to up my miles a little over last month running and over the last week, this week, has been big.  My legs are sore:-). And, today, was going to be another century, but I woke up sporting a sore throat. So, I took another day off and will probably do the same tomorrow so I don't get worse.  It's better to take care of myself now than worry about not performing later.
Some bad news from last month are that a couple of friends have left the business that I so readily support with all my energy.  They will be missed and I sincerely hope they are happy where they land!!!
Some good news is that I have managed to obtain three job interviews over the past few weeks.  I didn't get the jobs, but it is nice to know that perhaps the job market may be opening up a little, finally! As much as I like working at my job, I have to support my son as much as possible!  This is also one of the reasons for lack of time.  Job application addiction is a good thing:-)  I am hoping the weather starts to show the sun more and that the job markets shows me the light.
Goals for this month are to maintain bike fitness, get some work done on the decks as the rain stops (stain the back and finish the front), and enjoy my son!  Everyone enjoy the October fun!