Saturday couldn't come fast enough. I have been wanting to start building my mileage soon and what better way than to actually have some time to ride without worry. I was hesitant at how I was going to do it. I wanted to get a little speed out of the deal and don't really like riding the whole time alone, so I contacted another local recumbent guy, Allan Duhm, to see what he was up to.
He recommended the Bartow group out of the Bartow civic center on Saturdays. I showed up and was greeted by a great group of guys. Allan showed up, but forgot his seat pad, so would try to meet us out on the ride. The ride started out great. My goal was miles and I wanted to try my best to not drop anyone and to work on nutrition. We sat right near a 21 average for the first half of the ride and everyone did well taking turns pulling and rotating through. I was the worst as I had to be reminded of my speed and I thanked everyone for the reminder. Great guys! We stopped a couple of times. The second, at a place called The Market somewhere out in BFE. I was actually surprised that we received cell service.
At The Market |
The funny part came when I went to pay for my Gatorade and used my card. I wanted debit and everything went well. I thought I could here the receipt print so I said thank you and the nice couple waved me out. When I was outside, grabbing my bottles, the man said that it didn't take debit, but credit was needed. I followed him inside to see a huge line of angry customers waiting for me to sign the receipt. I apologized for keeping them waiting and the woman behind me gave a growl. She had two big steaks she wanted to grill. I told them I was 63 miles into a 100 mile ride and I was delirious and didn't know what I was doing. They were all cool with that answer.
Enjoying the garbage smell! |
Some of the group enjoying the milk cartons and the "Mountain" ice. |
After we refueled and enjoyed the nice little milk carton chairs, we proceeded on our way constantly checking in on Allan. It didn't seem like he would make it. By this time the temperature was getting hot and we were hot. We pulled into the finish with a 20.6 average for 80 miles. I asked if anyone wanted to go back out with me and the answer was a unanimous, "you're crazy". Off I went. The ride went fast and I finished with 102 for the day feeling good and accomplishing my goals.
After I drove home and showered, I was back off to my friend Tim's house to meet his family and caravan to the blueberry wine factory for some live music, dancing, and self catered food.
The best beer I've tasted!! |
This turned out to be a great place to go. The music was great and the people were really nice. Many danced and I enjoyed the beer and wine and the food we brought. I think I enjoyed the beer and wine too much as I woke up with a huge headache and felt generally crappy. But, I knew a nice ride would make me feel better. So, off I went to meet the Publix 540A riders. I was hoping for a nice 60 miles, but 75 was agreed upon. This was a faster ride and I was feeling crabby. At about the half way point, my body started to feel better and I was able to start making some break away chances. Allan remembered his seat pad and was looking good. He would make a break a couple of times only to be reeled in on the hills. I took advantage of this on a nice roller and grabbed his wheel. A nice local young woman df rider jumped on mine and we bolted down the long downhill. As we started back up and Allan started to slow, she made her move and I jumped on her wheel. I passed her and then proceeded to pull at a strong pace. She looked tired so I asked what she wanted to do and she said that she only had enough for the one attack. I said I would slow and let the group catch. I then saw a local df guy who had openly cut me off twice during the ride, try to make the move to jump on us. I told her I was going and she could slow so ramped it up and watched him fall off. I then saw Jason and another friend making the gap. They looked stronger than the other guy and caught up. We worked together, gaining speed and distance. They kept up almost to Homeland where Jason yelled out he was stopping. He looked spent. I stopped just long enough to grab some water out of the hose and watch the others start coming into the station. Allan didn't stop so I jumped on and we rode together till the hills into Lakeland where I pulled away and he went his own way back to the house. I finished about two minutes ahead of the group and felt great about it.
I went home and showered and drove back over to Tim's to see the movie Battleship at the Mugs and Movies with his brother and niece. It was actually pretty good! Then it was time for me to finally go home and play catch with the dog and enjoy the time to clean and do laundry...big weekend!
Love This Dog!!! |
One thing is for sure and that is I'm glad no one will see me naked as after 300+ cycling miles this week, the tan lines I have developed are NOT attractive...even my hands...YIKES!!!
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