Sunday, June 3, 2012

What? Me busy?! A life?!!

     Yes, it's true!  I work, I ride, I run, I work, I work, I parent; I am constantly on the go anymore.  With this in mind, it was great to have a break from the madness the last two evenings.  My life or lack there of, depending on who is reading, comes with a price.  The price is that you never get to associate with many friends and speak to others as if you are a normal human so your ability to communicate goes somewhat downhill:-)
     So, when the offer to go out the last couple of days became available, I took it!  Friday:  Dinner and drinks, and then a late movie!  Saturday:  Movie on the cheap and dinner.  Hell, Friday I even managed to stay out until the vampires were running the streets.  They are a strange crew, let me tell you.  I didn't even arrive home until 3 hours before my normal up time (OK, maybe not. Insomnia is my latest incarnation).  Yesterday was a little different as it was just a matinee and dinner was at a friends so at least I didn't risk a bite.
     All this fun has me thinking that I have a normal life.  What's next?  I sit here at the computer in the wee hours of the morning contemplating my next life altering experience.  Maybe today I'll run before I ride.  Maybe I'll call a friend and go flying for the first time in months.  Maybe I'll take the dog to the dog park and watch the drool happen.  Or, maybe I'll take a chance at something new.  Maybe I'll register for the fourth of July midnight run I did a few years ago.  Whatever is decided, I at least know that I can still make and keep friends that somehow think I am still sane.  And, that my life is hard and fun and filled with whatever you can behold; in other words...normal:-)   

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