Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back in the Saddle...

      For almost a week, riding my bike has been put on the back burner.  The weather was the main culprit and getting out for a quick run between showers was easier than having to get rained on on the bike.   The other reason is that it was my weekend for my son to stay over and I even managed to swipe him from his mom for the holiday.   We still managed to keep very busy exercising and he is starting to like running...OK...not really, but he does it even if it is just to please his dad:-) 
     Anyway, when the time came today to jump on the bike, I jumped!  I raced home from work, changed, aired up the tires, mounted the camera, and off I went.  Nothing was stopping me.  It's amazing how work on the bike feels so good.  I was grinning most of the way despite the strong head winds on the way out.  I managed a quick 20 miles and jumped into the shorts and ran 3.  Not bad for a start of the week.  OK...not the start, but for me?...I'll say yes!  Then, it was gangbusters to clean and rush down to the school. 
     My son had lost his ID card and can't get on the bus anymore without it.  So I picked him up and headed home.  Now to get into planting the trees into the pots with the new soil:-)


  1. I felt the same way yesterday morning. It was a beautiful Nevada day with no wind and the temperature at 50 when I left for work on my bike. Made good time bit truly enjoyed my 12 mile commute. I love my Baccetta.

  2. I had a terrific multi-dog desert walk. Beautiful Summer-like week! Now to put my two dwarf peach trees into pots.
